
Articles for Your Business

Below are articles we have found on the internet to help you in your home. Please click on the title to read the entire article.

How to Stay Positive in Today’s Market

by Maya Bailey

So many real estate professionals today are wondering, “How can I stay positive in today’s market?” Like any discriminating real estate professional, you realize the value of a positive mental attitude. Here are some ways that you can create and maintain a positive mental attitude in today’s market.

1. Avoid toxic people: What does this mean? Who are the toxic people? Toxic people can be well-meaning people but when they talk to you, they are coming from a negative attitude about money, finances, and especially about the current real estate situation.

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Can Craigslist Boost Your Sales?

by Bob Corcoran

Let’s start this article with a brainteaser: What attracts 174 million eyeballs every month and is often free for advertisers? The answer: Craigslist, the new king of the classifieds. Are you on it? If not, why not? There’s really no good excuse. These days, having your listings online isn’t just an option — it’s a requirement. NAR reported last year that 87 percent of residential home buyers start their real estate searches on the Internet. If having your listings online isn’t a requirement, I don’t know what is.

Here is a 36 page booklet full of suggestions for things you can do to save on your energy bill.

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10 Ways To Save Money On Your Electricity Bill

(By Stu Silverman)

Is your electricity bill too high? Do you want to save money each month? Here are 10 ways you can start saving money immediately. Included with each tip is an estimate of how much you can save.

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Are You a Twit or a Power Twitter? The 5 Best Reasons to Use Twitter.

This article was found on the internet and came to us through our marketing coach. No author was stated but if you know the author please let us know. We always want to give credit to those who do the writing.

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Low E Sound Cool, Supposedly Work Even Better

Now that the green movement is on in full force and we’ve all become conscious of how to make our homes more efficient, the change has started the race for big businesses who supply to our every demands.

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